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Publication MISC 32
Citation Gardner, E.D. and Johnson,C.H. ; Gardner, E.D. and Allsman, P.T. ; Clawson, Marion ; Thomas, B.I. ; Romanowitz, C.M., 2008, Resources for Placer Mining (CD Only): Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Miscellaneous Publications and Maps 32.
Price $ 25.00
Document Version Final
Document Status Digital Data
Description IC-6786 Placer mining in the western United States, Part 1; IC-6787 Placer mining in the western United States, Part 2; IC-6788 Placer mining in the western United States, Part 3; IC-7013 Power shovel and dragline placer mining; IC 7535 Part 1: Guide to prospecting for lode gold, Part 2: Locating mining claims on the public domain IC-7926 Placer mining in Alaska; IC-8462 Gold placer mining, placer evaluation and dredge selection
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