MBMG Staff Listing

2023 MBMG Staff



Staff Directory

Director's Office

Staff Directory
John Metesh
John Metesh

Director and State Geologist—Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4159
Email: jmetesh@mtech.edu
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John LaFave
John LaFave

Research Division Chief—Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4306
Email: jlafave@mtech.edu
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Casandra Welsh
Casandra Welsh

Budget Analyst II
Phone: (406) 496-4349
Email: CWelsh@mtech.edu
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Information Services

Staff Directory
Susan Barth
Susan Barth

Chief Information Services Division, Publications Editor—Assistant Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4687
Email: sbarth@mtech.edu
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Stacey Holms
Stacey Holms

Administrative Associate
Phone: 406-496-4180
Email: sholms@mtech.edu
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Susan Smith
Susan Smith

Geologic Cartographer
Phone: (406) 496-4173
Email: ssmith@mtech.edu
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Data Center, GIS, & Computer Support

Staff Directory
Simon Bierbach
Simon Bierbach

Network/Computer Systems Administrator I
Phone: (406) 496-4596
Email: sbierbach@mtech.edu
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Luke Buckley
Luke Buckley

Data Scientist—Associate Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4677
Email: lbuckley@mtech.edu
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Patricia Ekberg
Patricia Ekberg

GIS Specialist
Email: PEkberg@mtech.edu
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Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson

Computer Support Specialist III
Phone: (406) 496-4149
Email: jjohnson@mtech.edu
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Stacey Konda
Stacey Konda

Computer Software Engineer I
Phone: (406) 496-4818
Email: skonda@mtech.edu
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Yiwen Li
Yiwen Li

GIS Specialist
Phone: (406) 496-4151
Email: yli@mtech.edu
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Bulbul Majumder
Bulbul Majumder

Computer Software Engineer I
Phone: (406) 496-4894
Email: bmajumder@mtech.edu
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John Sanford
John Sanford

GIS Manager—Associate Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4606
Email: JSanford1@mtech.edu
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Geology, Economic Geology, & Geologic Hazards

Staff Directory
Richard (Dick) Berg

Phone: (406) 496-4172
Email: dberg@mtech.edu
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Daniel Brennan
Daniel Brennan

Mapping Geologist—Assistant Professor
Phone: 406-496-4568
Email: dbrennan@mtech.edu
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Kyle Eastman
Kyle Eastman

Economic Geologist—Assistant Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4348
Email: keastman@mtech.edu
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Colleen Elliott
Colleen Elliott

Geologist, Professional Practice Faculty—Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4143
Email: celliott@mtech.edu
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Yann Gavillot
Yann Gavillot

Geologist—Associate Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4890
Email: ygavillot@mtech.edu
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Jeff Lonn
Jeff Lonn

Research Geologist—Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4177
Email: jlonn@mtech.edu
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Catherine (Katie) McDonald

Phone: (406) 496-4883
Email: kmcdonald@mtech.edu
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Jesse Mosolf
Jesse Mosolf

Geologist—Associate Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4739
Email: jmosolf@mtech.edu
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Stuart Parker
Stuart Parker

Geologist—Assistant Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4334
Email: SParker1@mtech.edu
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Raymond Salazar
Raymond Salazar

Geologist—Professional Scientist
Phone: 406-496-4829
Email: Rsalazar2@mtech.edu
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Henry Stahl
Henry Stahl

Geologist—Professional Scientist
Phone: 406-496-4221
Email: hstahl@mtech.edu
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Michael (Mike) Stickney

Geologist, Director of Earthquake Studies Office—Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4332
Email: mstickney@mtech.edu
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Adrian Van
Adrian Van Rythoven

Economic Geologist—Associate Professor
Phone: 406-496-4171
Email: avanrythoven@mtech.edu
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Susan Vuke
Susan Vuke

Phone: (406) 498-5805
Email: svuke@mtech.edu
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Staff Directory
Ginette Abdo
Ginette Abdo

Ground Water Investigation Program Manager—Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4152
Email: gabdo@mtech.edu
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Andrew (Andy) Bobst

Phone: (406) 496-4409
Email: abobst@mtech.edu
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Camela (Cam) Carstarphen

Hydrogeologist—Associate Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4633
Email: ccarstarphen@mtech.edu
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Jenna Dohman
Jenna Dohman

Hydrogeologist—Professional Scientist
Phone: (406) 496-4379
Email: jdohman@mtech.edu
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Sara Edinberg
Sara Edinberg

Hydrogeologist—Assistant Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4381
Email: SEdinberg@mtech.edu
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Alan English
Alan English

Hydrogeologist—Associate Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4765
Email: aenglish@mtech.edu
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Ali Gebril
Ali Gebril

Hydrogeologist—Associate Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4795
Email: agebril@mtech.edu
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Ann Hanson
Ann Hanson

Hydrogeologist—Professional Scientist
Phone: (406) 496-4653
Email: AHanson4@mtech.edu
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Megan Heath
Megan Heath

Hydrogeologist—Professional Scientist
Phone: (406) 496-4882
Email: MHeath@mtech.edu
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Skye Keeshin
Skye Keeshin

Hydrogeologist—Professional Scientist
Phone: 406-496-4326
Email: skeeshin@mtech.edu
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James Madison
James Madison

Hydrogeologist—Associate Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4619
Email: jmadison2@mtech.edu
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Donald Mason
Donald Mason

Research Specialist
Phone: (406) 496-4635
Email: dmason@mtech.edu
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Marvin (Marv) Miller

Hydrogeologist—Professor, Emeritus
Phone: (406) 496-4155
Email: mmiller@mtech.edu
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Todd Myse
Todd Myse

Research Hydrogeologist—Assistant Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4838
Email: tmyse@mtech.edu
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Brett Oliver
Brett Oliver

Hydrogeologist—Assistant Professor
Phone: 406-496-4625
Email: boliver@mtech.edu
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Mike Richter
Mike Richter

Research Specialist
Phone: (406) 496-4853
Email: mrichter@mtech.edu
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Mary Sutherland
Mary Sutherland

Hydrogeologist—Assistant Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4410
Email: msutherland@mtech.edu
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Mark Wolfram
Mark Wolfram

Professional Scientist
Phone: (406) 496-4862
Email: mwolfram@mtech.edu
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Kurt Zeiler
Kurt Zeiler

Hydrogeologist—Associate Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4297
Email: kzeiler@mtech.edu
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Environmental Hydrogeology

Staff Directory
Terence (Ted) Duaime

Phone: (406) 496-4157
Email: tduaime@mtech.edu
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Michael Calhoun
Michael Calhoun

Water Resource Specialist
Phone: 406-496-4549
Email: mcalhoun@mtech.edu
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Gary Icopini
Gary Icopini

Phone: (406) 496-4841
Email: gicopini@mtech.edu
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Steve McGrath
Steve McGrath

Analytical Chemist
Phone: (406) 496-4344
Email: smcgrath@mtech.edu
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Jackson Quarles
Jackson Quarles

Hydrogeologist—Professional Scientist
Phone: 406-496-4767
Email: jquarles@mtech.edu
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John Roitz
John Roitz

Water Resource Technician
Phone: 406-496-4351
Email: jroitz@mtech.edu
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Matthew Vitale
Matthew Vitale

Hydrogeologist—Professional Scientist
Phone: 406-496-4352
Email: mvitale@mtech.edu
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Energy Resources & Eastern MT Geology and Hydrogeology

Staff Directory
Elizabeth (Liddi) Brinck Meredith

Phone: (406) 496-4599
Email: emeredith@mtech.edu
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Ryan Davison
Ryan Davison

Geologist—Associate Professor
Phone: 406-496-4595
Email: rdavison@mtech.edu
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Jay Gunderson
Jay Gunderson

Phone: (406) 496-4598
Email: jgunderson@mtech.edu
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Shawn Kuzara
Shawn Kuzara

Hydrogeologist—Associate Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4594
Email: skuzara@mtech.edu
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Matthew Smith
Matthew Smith

Hydrogeologist—Professional Scientist
Phone: 406-496-4597
Email: Msmith9@mtech.edu
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Data Preservation & Mining Archives

Staff Directory
Denise Herman
Denise Herman

Data Research Analyst
Phone: (406) 496-4729
Email: dherman@mtech.edu
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Chelsea Pincock
Chelsea Pincock

Computer Software Eng/Applications I
Phone: (406) 496-4431
Email: cpincock@mtech.edu
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Anthony Roth
Anthony Roth

Map Technician
Phone: (406) 496-4891
Email: aroth@mtech.edu
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Analytical Laboratory

Staff Directory
Ashley Huft
Ashley Huft

Phone: (406) 496-4789
Email: ahuft@mtech.edu
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Connie Thomson
Connie Thomson

Mineral Separation Laboratory Manager—Assistant Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4156
Email: cthomson@mtech.edu
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Jacqueline (Jackie) Timmer

Chief Analytical Lab, Chemist—Assistant Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4842
Email: jtimmer@mtech.edu
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Mineral Museum

Staff Directory
Steve Quane
Steve Quane

Director Mineral Museum/MBMG Outreach Program—Assistant Professor
Phone: 406-496-4634
Email: squane@mtech.edu
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John Foley
John Foley

Museum Assistant Curator
Phone: (406) 496-4414
Email: jfoley@mtech.edu
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