Join professional and amateur mineralogists, geologists, and miners as they share their knowledge of mineral deposits and stimulate interest in pursuing new studies and discoveries. The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology is pleased to host the 2023 Montana Mining and Mineral Symposium September 27–30 at Montana Tech University located in Butte, Montana.
Submit an abstract, extended abstract, or short paper
to: Steven Quane
Speaker registration deadline August 25, 2023.
Symposium registration:
Registration: $150
Student Registration: $50 (Free for registered graduate student giving a presentation/poster; free for registered undergraduates)
Wednesday, September 27th, 2023
Short Course: “Portable Analytical Field Methods”
Enrollment Limit: 20
Fee: $100 professionals/$10 Students
Thursday, September 28th, 2023
Oral Presentations (including lunch) followed by an evening Poster Session at Montana Tech, with appetizers and a no-host bar.
Friday, September 29th, 2023
Oral Presentations (including lunch) followed by an evening Map Chat at the Butte Brewing & Pizza Company.
Saturday, September 30th, 2023
Field Trip. Morning and afternoon tours of the Montana Resources Continental Pit in Butte, MT. Fee $20. Space will be limited.