Economic Geologist—Associate Professor
1300 West Park Street
Butte, MT 59701
Christine is an economic geologist at the MBMG and conducts field-based critical mineral prospectivity studies. Christine's research interests include a holistic field-based approach through research compilation, mapping of economic ore deposits, age-dating, sediment-hosted ore deposits, Paleozoic carbonates, and sequence stratigraphy. She has worked as a professional economic geologist since 2007 as part of greenfields and brownfields exploration teams throughout the US intermountain west on a variety of ore deposit types: Carlin-type, skarn, CRD, Mississippi-Valley-type, orogenic gold, and epithermal. Christine is a passionate equestrian with a strong interest in natural horsemanship and dressage, and during her free time is a barefoot trimmer. She also enjoys hiking, painting, photography, and spending time with her husband on their ranch.
Date | Citation |
2/1/2016 | Johnson, C.A., 2016, Intermediate Sulfidation Base Metal Carbonate-Hosted Gold Deposit [Presentation], Society of Mining Engineers-Spokane Chapter February Monthly Meeting, Spokane, WA |
6/1/2010 | Hellbusch, C., Abrams, M., Loptien, G., 2010, Gold Occurrence at the West Pequop Project, Elko County, Nevada, Geological Society of Nevada 2010 Symposium field trip presentation |
Year | Citation |
2021 | Johnson, C.A., 2021, Stratigraphic Review of the Mesoproterozoic Metasediments: Beartrack Project, Mackinaw Mining District, Lemhi County, Idaho [Internal Report], Cordillera Exploration Services, LLC |
2020 | Johnson, C.A., 2020, Geologic Map and Report on the Arnett Project, a Shear-Hosted Gold Deposit, Mackinaw Mining District, Lemhi County, Idaho [Internal Report], Cordillera Exploration Services, LLC |
2019 | Johnson, C.A., 2019, Geologic Assessment Report on the Lbby Claim Block 1, Salmo Pb-Zn Area, Southeast British Columbia [Public Report], Cordillera Exploration Services, LLC, Curlew, WA |
2016 | Johnson, C.A., 2016, Compilation Report on the Old Cleveland Mine, an Intermediate Sulfidation Carbonate Base Metal-Hosted Gold Deposit [Internal Report], Cordillera Exploration Services, LLC, Curlew, WA |
2014 | Johnson, C.A., Cooper, P.C., and Flagg, E., 2014, Geology of the Buckhorn Mine and Surrounding Area, Field Trip Guide, in 39th Annual Field Conference: Northwest Geology, v. 43, Tobacco Root Geological Society Field Conference July 31st-August 3rd |
2012 | Hellbusch, C.A., 2012, Implications for Stratigraphic Omission and Structural Thinning in the Pequop Mountains: Geologic Map of the Devonian Guilmette Formation, Elko County, Nevada [M.S. Thesis]: Pocatello, Idaho, Idaho State University |
2010 | Hellbusch, C., Abrams, M., and Loptien, G., 2010, Gold Occurrence at the West Pequop Project, Elko County, Nevada, in Great Basin Evolution and Metallongeny, Volume I: Reno, Geological Society of Nevada |
2010 | Hellbusch, C.A., Tapanila, L., and Johnson, H.D., 2010, Geologic Map of the Upper Devonian Guilmette Formation, Northern Pequop Mountains, Elko County, Nevada [Abstract and Poster], 2010 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, October 31-November 3 2010, Denver, Colorado. |