Christine Johnson

Christine Johnson

Economic Geologist—Associate Professor
1300 West Park Street
Butte, MT 59701

  • Biographical Information
  • Outreach & Presentations
  • Publications


2012—M.Sc., Geology, Idaho State University
2005—B.Sc., Geology, Environmental Option, Fort Lewis College

Biography & Research Interests

Christine is an economic geologist at the MBMG and conducts field-based critical mineral prospectivity studies. Christine's research interests include a holistic field-based approach through research compilation, mapping of economic ore deposits, age-dating, sediment-hosted ore deposits, Paleozoic carbonates, and sequence stratigraphy. She has worked as a professional economic geologist since 2007 as part of greenfields and brownfields exploration teams throughout the US intermountain west on a variety of ore deposit types: Carlin-type, skarn, CRD, Mississippi-Valley-type, orogenic gold, and epithermal. Christine is a passionate equestrian with a strong interest in natural horsemanship and dressage, and during her free time is a barefoot trimmer. She also enjoys hiking, painting, photography, and spending time with her husband on their ranch.

Date Citation
2/1/2016 Johnson, C.A., 2016, Intermediate Sulfidation Base Metal Carbonate-Hosted Gold Deposit [Presentation], Society of Mining Engineers-Spokane Chapter February Monthly Meeting, Spokane, WA
6/1/2010 Hellbusch, C., Abrams, M., Loptien, G., 2010, Gold Occurrence at the West Pequop Project, Elko County, Nevada, Geological Society of Nevada 2010 Symposium field trip presentation
Year Citation
2021 Johnson, C.A., 2021, Stratigraphic Review of the Mesoproterozoic Metasediments: Beartrack Project, Mackinaw Mining District, Lemhi County, Idaho [Internal Report], Cordillera Exploration Services, LLC
2020 Johnson, C.A., 2020, Geologic Map and Report on the Arnett Project, a Shear-Hosted Gold Deposit, Mackinaw Mining District, Lemhi County, Idaho [Internal Report], Cordillera Exploration Services, LLC
2019 Johnson, C.A., 2019, Geologic Assessment Report on the Lbby Claim Block 1, Salmo Pb-Zn Area, Southeast British Columbia [Public Report], Cordillera Exploration Services, LLC, Curlew, WA
2016 Johnson, C.A., 2016, Compilation Report on the Old Cleveland Mine, an Intermediate Sulfidation Carbonate Base Metal-Hosted Gold Deposit [Internal Report], Cordillera Exploration Services, LLC, Curlew, WA
2014 Johnson, C.A., Cooper, P.C., and Flagg, E., 2014, Geology of the Buckhorn Mine and Surrounding Area, Field Trip Guide, in 39th Annual Field Conference: Northwest Geology, v. 43, Tobacco Root Geological Society Field Conference July 31st-August 3rd
2012 Hellbusch, C.A., 2012, Implications for Stratigraphic Omission and Structural Thinning in the Pequop Mountains: Geologic Map of the Devonian Guilmette Formation, Elko County, Nevada [M.S. Thesis]: Pocatello, Idaho, Idaho State University
2010 Hellbusch, C., Abrams, M., and Loptien, G., 2010, Gold Occurrence at the West Pequop Project, Elko County, Nevada, in Great Basin Evolution and Metallongeny, Volume I: Reno, Geological Society of Nevada
2010 Hellbusch, C.A., Tapanila, L., and Johnson, H.D., 2010, Geologic Map of the Upper Devonian Guilmette Formation, Northern Pequop Mountains, Elko County, Nevada [Abstract and Poster], 2010 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, October 31-November 3 2010, Denver, Colorado.