Geologist—Professional Scientist
Phone: (406) 496-4829
1300 West Park Street
Butte, MT 59701
Raymond received his M.Sc. in geology from Montana State University in 2023. His work there focused on geologic mapping and updating the stratigraphy of Yellowstone?s most recent super eruption. Raymond is now a field-based geologist using detailed mapping and chemical analysis to evaluate the volcanic and plutonic stratigraphy of Montana.
Date | Citation |
12/1/2023 | Finch, H., Salazar, R., Henderson, S., Myers, M.L., Wilson, CJN., Stelten, M., Dec. 2023, Geochemistry and petrography of recently discovered units in the Lava Creek Tuff, Yellowstone, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA |
10/1/2023 | Salazar, R., Myers, M.L., Wilson, C.J.N., Oct. 2023, Tiny crystals and big secrets: remapping Yellowstone's most recent supereruption, SACNAS 2022 NDiSTEM Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico |
2/1/2023 | Salazar, R., Myers, M.L., Wilson, C.J.N., Feb. 2023, An expanded Lava Creek Tuff eruption, Yellowstone Volcano, IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, Rotorua, New Zealand |
12/1/2021 | Salazar, R., Myers, M.L., Wilson, C.J.N., Henderson, S., Dec. 2021, Disentangling the Lava Creek Tuff eruption through remapping of sour creek dome, Yellowstone National Park, GSA 2021 Fall Meeting, Portland, OR |
11/1/2021 | Salazar, R., Myers, M.L., Wilson, C.J.N., Nov. 2021, Exciting insights into Yellowstone?s youngest supereruption, USGS Yellowstone Volcano Observatory |
9/1/2020 | Salazar, R., Grimes, J., Sept. 2020, Pushing the boundaries: Montana State University updates Yellowstone?s geologic map, USGS Yellowstone Volcano Observatory |