John LaFave

John LaFave

Research Division Chief—Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4306
1300 West Park Street
Butte, MT 59701

  • Biographical Information
  • Outreach & Presentations
  • Publications


1987—M.A., Geology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas
1983—B.S., Geology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

Biography & Research Interests

John has been part of the MBMG research staff since 1993, and currently serves as the Research Division Chief. For many years he acted as Program Manager for the MBMG?s Montana Ground Water Assessment Program. His research is focused on enhancing groundwater monitoring of Montana's principal aquifers and assessing regional groundwater quality. He also serves as an Associate Director of the Montana Water Center, is a western-state representative to the National Groundwater Monitoring Network Board, and is an Affiliate Faculty member of the Montana Tech Department of Geological Engineering.