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Publication MBMG 752
Citation Bobst, A., Rose, J., and Berglund, J., 2022, An evaluation of the unconsolidated hydrogeologic units in the south-central Flathead Valley, Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 752, 16 p.
DOI https://doi.org/10.59691/SRLK8303
Price $ 12.00
Document Version This is an open-file publication. MBMG open files are manuscripts and maps that are released, but not considered formal publications; most have not gone through the rigorous review and editorial process required for an official report. Some open-file reports eventually appear as formal Bureau publications.
Document Status Print on Demand
Description An evaluation of the work that has been done at the BFF site. Stratigraphy (including downhole geophysics) from a 1600 ft well drilled in 2021 into the tertiary sediments underlying the deep aquifer. Water-quality results from wells in the tertiary, deep aquifer, confining layer, and shallow aquifer. Aquifer tests and hydrograph analysis of the shallow aquifer, confining layer, deep aquifer, and tertiary sediments. Evaluation of using TEM and MT surficial geophysical techniques.
Geographic Area/Counties FLATHEAD