Andrew (Andy) Bobst


Phone: (406) 496-4409
1300 West Park Street
Butte, MT 59701

  • Biographical Information
  • Outreach & Presentations
  • Publications


—Ph.D., Land Resources and Environmental Sciences- (Ongoing), Montana State University
2000—M.A., Geological Sciences, Binghamton University
1997—B.A., Geology, University of Minnesota at Morris

Biography & Research Interests

Andy works within the Groundwater Investigations Program (GWIP) at MBMG. This work focuses on how changes in water use may influence groundwater availability and quality. Andy is also working towards a PhD from Montana State University, with the research focus being the hydrologic effects of Beaver Mimicry Stream Restoration. Andy has previously worked as an Environmental Consultant near Philadelphia, PA, and as a Hydrologist and Fluids Geologist for the US BLM in Miles City, MT.

Date Citation
10/13/2022 Bobst, Andy, and Rose, James, 2022, Thickness of the Deep Aquifer and Character of the Underlying Sediments in the Flathead Valley: Presented at the American Water Resources Association, Butte, Montana.
9/19/2022 Bobst, A., "An overview of the Virginia City Groundwater Investigation": Presentation to the Virginia City Source Water Protection Plan committee.
8/31/2022 Bobst, A., Hydrologic Effects of Beaver-Mimicry Stream Restoration, presented at the Montana Tech Restoration Seminar
6/1/2022 An update on the Virginia City Groundwater Investigation: Presented to the Virginia City Town Council.
2/24/2022 Bobst, A.L., 2022, Evaluating the Hydrologic Effects of Beaver Mimicry Stream Restoration: University of Minnesota at Morris, Science and Math Alumni Speaker.
11/18/2020 Working with Beaver for Riparian Health: How University Research Supports Conservation and Management. Available on YouTube
10/8/2020 Berglund, J.L., Snyder, D., and Bobst, A., 2020, Spatiotemporal patterns of groundwater levels in the East Flathead Valley aquifer system: insights into recharge and groundwater use: American Water Resources Association (Montana Section) - Butte, MT, Abstract with Program.
10/8/2020 Bobst, A., Michalek, T., and Mosolf, J., 2020, An overview of the Virginia City Groundwater Investigation: American Water Resources Association (Montana Section) - Butte, MT, Abstract with Program.
1/27/2020 Bobst, A., 2020, Information from the Upper Jefferson Groundwater Investigation. Presented in the Jefferson Watershed Council, Whitehall, Montana, January 27, 2020.
10/10/2019 Bobst, A., Payn, R., and Pal, R., 2019, Changes in Riparian Evapotranspiration Following Beaver-Mimicry Stream Restoration. Presented at the American Water Resources Association, Montana Section Annual Meeting, in Red Lodge, Montana, on October 10-22, 2019.
5/17/2019 Mosolf, J.G., and Bobst, A.L., 2019, Utilizing geologic mapping to investigate hydrogeology and assess natural hazards in the historic Virginia City Mining District, southwest Montana (poster): Geological Society of America - Cordilleran Section; Portland OR; May 17, 2019; Abstract with Program.
1/30/2019 Bobst, A., and Payn, R., 2019, Using Monitoring and Modeling to Explore How Beaver-Mimicry Stream Restoration Affects Dynamic Seasonal Water Storage: Presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Billings, Montana, January 30, 2019.
10/19/2018 Bobst, A., Payn, R., and Shaw, G., 2018, Using groundwater models to explore how beaver-mimicry stream restoration affects dynamic seasonal water storage: American Water Resources Association (Montana Section) - West Yellowstone, MT, Abstract with Program.
12/8/2017 Bobst, A., 2017, The Upper Jefferson Groundwater Investigation: Presented at MSU for Rob Payn's Hydrology Class, Bozeman, Montana, December 8, 2017.
11/1/2017 Bobst, A, 2017, Hydrogeologic Effects of Beaver Mimicry in Stream Restoration: Presented at the MBMG Brown Bag Seminar, Butte, Montana, November 1, 2017.
10/20/2017 Bobst, A., 2017, Effects of Beaver Mimicry Restoraton on Stream Flows, Riparian Groundwater Levels, and Water Temperatures: Presented at the American Water Resources Association, Montana Section 2017 Conference, Helena, Montana, October 20, 2017.
4/26/2017 Abdo, G., and Bobst, A., 2017, GWIP Introduction and Ennis Area Project: Presented at the Madison Watershed Planning Group, Ennis, Montana, April 26, 2017.
4/1/2017 Bobst, A., 2017, An Overview of the Virginia City GWIP Project: Presented to the Virginia City Commission, April 2017.
10/13/2016 Bobst, A., 2016, Using Water Temperatures to Understand Groundwater/Surface-Water Interactions in Southwest Montana: Presented at the MT AWRA Conference, Fairmont, Montana, October 13, 2016.
8/4/2016 Bobst, A., and Gebril, A., 2016, A Status Update on the Upper Jefferson Groundwater Investigation, with Preliminary Results: Present at the Whitehall Extension Office, Jefferson River Watershed Council Board Meeting, Whitehall, Montana, August 4, 2016.
3/28/2016 Bobst, A., 2016, Using Beaver Mimicry Restoration as a Manipulative Experiment to Understand "Natural" Storage of Stream Water: MSU Seminar Series, March 28, 2016,
1/1/2016 Bobst, A., 2016, Boulder Valley Project: Presented to the Jefferson County Commissioners in January 2016.
10/8/2015 Abdo, G., and Bobst, A., 2015, Integrating Water Management Needs into Science, The Ground Water Investigation Program: Presented at the Montana American Water Resources Association, Missoula, Montana, October 8, 2015.
4/28/2015 Bobst, A., 2015, Demonstration of the Variability of Permeability for Different Geologic Materials: Presented at the Jefferson River Watershed Rally, Whitehall, Montana, April 28, 2015.
1/20/2015 Bobst, A., 2015, An Overview of the Boulder Valley Groundwater Investigation: Presented to the Jefferson County Commissioners, Whitehall, Montana, January 20, 2015.
11/1/2014 Bobst, A., 2014, An Update on the Upper Jefferson Groundwater Investigations: Presented at the Jefferson River Watershed Council Annual Meeting, Whitehall, Montana, November 2014.
5/6/2014 Bobst, A., 2014, An Overview of the Boulder River and Upper Jefferson Groundwater Investigations: Presented at the Missouri Headwaters Partnership Meeting, Whitehall, Montana, May 6, 2014.
1/20/2014 Bobst, A., 2014, GWIP Boulder River Valley Investigation Project Results: Presented to the Jefferson County Commissioners, Whitehall, Montana, January, 20, 2014.
7/1/2013 Bobst, A., and Butler, J., 2013, Upper Jefferson River Groundwater Investigation: Presented at the Public Meeting, Whitehall, Montana, July 2013.
7/1/2013 Bobst, A., and Butler, J., 2013, Upper Jefferson River Groundwater Investigation: Presented at the Tri-County Quarterly Meeting, Virginia City, Montana, July 2013.
4/1/2013 Bobst, A., and Abdo, G., 2013, Groundwater and Surface Water Flow Using the Plexiglas Groundwater Flow Model: Demonstrated at the Jefferson River Rally, Whitehall, Montana, April 2013.
9/11/2012 Wheaton, J., and Bobst, A., 2012, Exempt Wells – The Perspective of Time and Distance: Presented at the Water Policy Interim Committee Meeting, Helena, Montana, September 11, 2012.
7/12/2012 Wheaton, J., Waren, K., and Bobst, A., 2012, Ground Water Investigation Program (GWIP-MBMG) Exempt Well Discussion: Presented at the Water Policy Interim Committee Meeting, Helena, Montana, July 12, 2012.
4/24/2012 Bobst, A., and Butler, J., 2012, Groundwater and Surface Water Flow Using the Plexiglas Groundwater Flow Model: Demonstrated at the Jefferson River Rally, Whitehall, Montana, April 24, 2012.
2/1/2012 Waren, K., Bobst, A., Butler, J.A., Madison, J., and Swierc, J., 2012, North Hills Groundwater Models - Calibrated Numerical Groundwater Flow Models for a Local Groundwater Flow System Near Helena, Montana: Presented at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Seminar Series, Montana Tech of the University of Montana, Butte, Montana, February 2012.
12/6/2011 Bobst, A., Waren, K., Swierc, J., and Madison, J., 2011, A Hydrologic Study of the North Hills, Helena, Montana: Presented to the Lewis and Clark County Water Quality Protection District Board Meeting, Helena, Montana, December 6, 2011.
12/6/2011 Butler, J., Bobst, A., Waren, K., and Madison, J., 2011, Scratchgravel Hills Groundwater Investigation: Presented at the Lewis and Clark County Water Quality Protection District Board Meeting, Helena, Montana, December 6, 2011.
12/6/2011 Waren, K., Bobst, A., Ahern, J., Madison, J., and Swierc, J., 2011, North Hills Groundwater Models: Presented at the Lewis and Clark County Water Quality Protection District Board Meeting, Helena, Montana, December 6, 2011.
10/6/2011 Bobst, A., Waren, K., Swierc, J., and Madison, J., 2011, A Hydrologic Study of the North Hills: Presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting, Montana Chapter, American Water Resources Association Conference, Great Falls, Montana, October 6, 2011.
10/6/2011 Waren, K., Ahern, J., Bobst, A., and Madison, J., 2011, Groundwater Models Developed for the North Hills Study that are Located at the North End of the Helena Valley, Lewis and Clark County, Montana: Poster Presentation at the Montana Chapter, American Water Resources Association Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Great Falls, Montana, October 6-7, 2011.
10/1/2011 Butler, J.A., Bobst, A.L, Waren K., and Madison J., 2011, Scratchgravel Hills Groundwater Investigation – Project Summary: Presented at the Public Meeting, Helena, Montana, October 2011.
6/1/2011 Bobst, A.L., and Ahern, J., 2011, Scratchgravel Hills Groundwater Investigation – Project Update: Presented at the Public Meeting, Helena, Montana, June 2011.
12/1/2010 Bobst, A.L., 2010, Scratchgravel Hills Study Area: Presented at the Public Meeting held at Carroll College, Helena, Montana, December 2010.
Year Citation
2024 Bobst, Andrew, 2024, Three aquifer tests in the Tobacco Valley, near Eureka, Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 764, 16 p.
2023 Bobst, A., Gebril, A., and Dohman, J., 2023, Groundwater/surface-water study in the Upper Jefferson Valley, Montana: Modeling the effects of changing irrigation practices and increased residential development on low strreamflows: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Information Pamphlet 14, 4 p.
2023 Myse, T., Bobst, A., and Rose, J., 2023, Analyses of three constant-rate aquifer tests, East Flathead Valley, northwest Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 757, 44 p.
2022 Askam, E., Nagisetty, R.M., Crowely, J., Bobst, A.L., Shaw, G., and Fortune, J., 2022, Satellite and sUAS multispectral remote sensing analysis of vegetation response to beaver mimicry restoration on Blacktail Creek, Southwest Montana: Remote Sensing, v. 14, 6199, doi:
2022 Bobst, A., Michalek, T., and Mosolf, J., 2022, A groundwater investigation in Virginia City, Montana; Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Report of Investigation 30, 71 p.
2022 Bobst, A., Payn, R., and Shaw, G., 2022, Groundwater-mediated influences of beaver-mimicry stream restoration: A modeling analysis: Journal of the American Water Resources Association, v. 58, no. 6, p. 1388-1406.
2022 Bobst, A., Rose, J., and Berglund, J., 2022, An evaluation of the unconsolidated hydrogeologic units in the south-central Flathead Valley, Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 752, 16 p.
2022 Rose, J., Bobst, A., and Gebril, A., 2022, Hydrogeologic investigation of the deep alluvial aquifer, Flathead Valley, Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Report of Investigation 32, 44 p.
2021 Bobst, A., and Gebril, A., 2021, Hydrogeologic Investigation of the Upper Jefferson Valley, Jefferson County, Montana, Interpretive Report; Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Report of Investigation 28, 130 p.
2020 Bobst, A., 2020, Virginia City Aquifer Test, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 726, Madison County, Montana, May 18, 2020.
2020 Bobst, A., Michalek, T., and Mosolf, J., 2020, An overview of the Virginia City Groundwater Investigation: American Water Resources Association (Montana Section) - Butte, MT, Abstract with Program.
2020 Gebril, A., and Bobst, A., 2020, Hydrologic investigation of the Upper Jefferson River Valley, Montana: Whitehall groundwater modeling report, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Report of Investigation 27, Jefferson and Madison Counties, Montana, September 15, 2020.
2018 Khalil, M., Bobst, A., and Mosolf, J., 2018, Utilizing 2D Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Very Low Frequency Electromagnetics to investigate the hydrogeology of natural cold springs near Virginia City, southwest Montana; Pure and Applied Geophysics.
2016 Bobst, A., Butler, J., and Carlson, L., 2016, Hydrogeologic Investigation of the Boulder River Valley, Jefferson County, Montana: Interpretive Report; Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 682, 92 p.
2013 Bobst, A., Waren, K., Butler, J., Swierc, J., and Madison, J.D., 2013, Hydrogeologic Investigation of the Scratchgravel Hills Study Area, Lewis and Clark County, Montana, Interpretive Report; Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 636, 63 pgs.
2013 Godfrey, L.V., Chan, L.-H., Alonso, R.N., Lowenstein, T.K., McDonough, W.F, Houston, J., Li, J., Bobst, A., and Jordan, T.E., 2013, The Role of Climate in the Accumulation of Lithium-Rich Brine in the Central Andes: Applied Geochemistry, v. 38, p. 92-102.
2012 Waren, K., Bobst, A., Swierc, J., and Madison, J.D., 2012, Hydrogeologic investigation of the North Hills study area, Lewis and Clark County, Montana, Interpretive Report; Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 610, 99 pgs.
2007 Wheaton, J., Bobst, A.L., and Brinck, E.L., 2007, Considerations for Evaluating Coalbed Methane Infiltration Pond Sites Based on Site Studies in the Powder River Basin of Montana and Wyoming: in Barnhisel, R., eds.,Joint Conference of the 24th Annual Meetings of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, June 2-7, 2007, Gillette, Wyoming, 980 p.
2005 Clark, M.L., Lambing, J.H., and Bobst, A.L., 2005, Surface-Water Monitoring in Watersheds of the Powder River Basin, 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2005-3137, 4 p.
2005 Wheaton, J.R., Bobst, A.L., and Brown, T.H., 2005, Preliminary Changes in Groundwater Quality Related to Coalbed Methane Infiltration Ponds: in Coalbed Natural Gas Conference: I-Research, Monitoring, and Applications, Wyoming State Geological Survey Public Informational Circular No. 43.
2003 Lowenstein, T.K., Hein, M.C., Bobst, A.L., Jordan, T.E., Ku, T.-L., and Luo, S., 2003, An Assessment of Stratigraphic Completeness in Climate-Sensitive Closed-Basin Lake Sediments: Salar de Atacama, Chile. Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 73, p. 91-104.
2001 Bobst, A.L., Lowenstein, T.K., Jordan, T.E., Godfrey, L.V., Hein, M.C., Ku, T.-L., and Lou, S., 2001, A 106 Ka Paleoclimate Record From Drill Core of the Salar de Atacama, Northern Chile: Paleogeography, Paleoceanography, Paleoecology, v. 173, p. 21-42.
2000 Bobst, A., 2000, A 106 Ka Paleo Climate Record From the Salar de Atacama, Northern Chile: Masters of Arts Thesis, Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York, USA.