Billings, Yellowstone County

Many of the new residential developments in the Billings area occur outside the current boundary for city services of public water supplies, sewer systems, and stormwater handling.


The Billings area has experienced sustained, consistent growth and urbanization for the last 60 years. The number of housing units west of the core downtown area has grown from 11,000 in 1960 to 30,000 in 2020; a rate of over 300 residences per year. Most new developments are in areas beyond city services and depend on wells for drinking water and septic tanks for wastewater treatment.

To forecast the need for future city services (water, sewer, and storm), city and county officials must have a better understanding of the replenishment of water to the local aquifer contributed by agricultural irrigation and canal seepage, in addition to how land use change will affect the shallow aquifer.


Evaluate the capacity of the aquifer to support future groundwater development in west Billings and identify the extent and source of nitrates in the study area.

Project Scope

Groundwater quantity:

1) Identify and quantify groundwater recharge from natural sources and agricultural practices.

2) Develop conceptual and numerical groundwater models to evaluate the effect on groundwater from land use change from agriculture to residential.

Groundwater quality: Define the role of agriculture practices and septic systems on groundwater quality. Identify nitrate distribution in groundwater and likely sources.

Project Status

Field work concluded in 2023. The work will be presented in two reports: a report summarizing the chemistry and nitrate evaluation and a report detailing the water budget and flow modeling. The chemistry report is scheduled to be published in early 2025; the modeling report is scheduled to be published in mid-2025.

Project Reports

Project Personnel

Elizabeth Meredith Team Leader, Hydrogeologist
Kurt Zeiler Modeling Leader, Hydrogeologist
Skye Keeshin Professional Scientist
Brett Oliver Assistant Research Hydrogeologist
Mathew Smith Research Scientist
Todd Myse Research Hydrogeologist
Ann Hanson Professional Scientist


  • Ground Water Investigation Program: Groundwater Investigation of the Billings Aquifer. Presentation to the Montana Association of Planners Annual Conference, September 27, 2022, Billings, Montana.
    View Presentation

Link to Project Data

Data collected for this project can be accessed through the Ground Water Information Center (GWIC) database:

Download project data from GWIC

Content last updated: 12/15/2022 2:19:04 PM

Program Resources

Program Fact Sheet

GWIP Project Summaries

GWIP Project Map

Contact Information

Program Information

Ginette Abdo, GWIP Manager
(406) 496-4152 | Email

Office locations in Butte and Billings