
The first coal mine developed in the Belt area was started in 1877, and coal mining continued in the area intermittently until the early 1920s. The mining left adits (tunnels) that drain acidic water from the mine workings. The acidic water is adversely impacting Belt Creek. The MBMG Environmental Program has been assisting the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (and its predecessor) in assessing the hydrogeology of the mines and evaluating remedial strategies for the Belt mines for over 30 years.

Related Publications and Data

Program Information

Ted Duaime Hydrogeologist—Assistant Professor
(406) 496-4157 | Email

Gary Icopini Hydrogeologist—Professor
(406) 496-4841 | Email

Steve McGrath Geochemist—Assistant Professor
(406) 496-4157 | Email

Jackson Quarles Hydrogeologist—Professional Scientist

John Roitz Water Resource Specialist

Matthew Vitale Hydrogeologist—Professional Scientist

Office locations in Butte and Billings


Adit (Tunnel)
